I've been a client of Judy's for several years and she has always taken great care of my pups. She is reliable, trustworthy and a great pack leader. She always ensures that the safety of the dogs come first and will make sure to advise you of anything that she notices that is out of the ordinary. Judy has come through for me many times when I've been stuck at work or called away at the last minute unexpectedly. If she is available and can help out, she will. This is one of the reasons she is the only person I trust with my furry friends. Judy will regularly send updates and also any photos of adventures that the dogs go on with their pack buddies. She provides boarding services and makes sure your pups are well cared for and comfortable while you are away.
I have used other dog walking services and one of the things that sets Cityplace Dogs apart from the rest, is that Judy will go above and beyond the call of duty because she truly cares for your pets as though they are her own. Package prices are reasonable and scheduling is easy and flexible. Highly recommend for anyone in the Cityplace area and surrounding, looking for a dog walker and pal for their furbies.