| - My three year old daughter has been attending Natural Choice Academy for almost six months and I've purposefully waited that long to write a fair review. This school is all we could hope for and more. The combination of the best nutrition and natural environment you will ever find PLUS amazing, creative and caring teachers and wonderful, friendly owners make NCA the very best. Communication between the school/teachers and parents is open and consistent. The teachers are trained in and follow an "emergent curriculum" model which means they explore what the kids get excited about. And wow do they explore. My daughter told me all about volcanoes, Mt. Vesuvius, the city of Pompei, and Italy. The kids asked about volcanoes and it turned into a weeks-long exploration which included science projects, history lessons, several art projects, engineering (they built an actual volcano), geography lessons, and culture (a parent who is from Italy was invited to speak to the class about Italy and the Italian culture). These are three year olds! And they love it! The food is amazing; healthy, organic, local and each meal is coded for gluten, dairy, meat, and other ingredients with daily alternatives offered. The owners have been extremely friendly and flexible, and genuinely want to hear parents' feedback. They plan fun family events throughout the year including family day and a holiday show that is really adorable. We couldn't be happier with Natural Choice Academy. I only wish they ran an elementary school too.