Yes honey! This place is the BOMB. Okay so it has my name in it so maybe I thought that before we went in. I called and made an appointment for 30 minutes to 7:45, the person on the phone was very friendly and happy to take an appointment. We made it a little past the 30 minutes cause we had to stop for coffee next door! We came in and we were greeted right away, I told them I called and we waited about 10 minutes to be seated. They had 5 people in the chairs and two getting their nails done. There was about 4 technicians working. I thought they were busy and was going to leave but they seated us fast and were so nice! We got pedicures and they came out fabulous! Great job and my feet feel 10 x lighter and prettier! We even had a glass of wine while we were pampering! Such good service, I will definitley be making this my new spot!