I literally had to get my attorneys involved I lived here for roughly 5-6 months before the glaring issues were too much. Racism is an understatement, security is extremely overbearing to the point where I was denied access to my unit multiple times. I literally had to sleep in my car one night. I had security cameras in my unit and not only do I catch building maintenance coming in with no permission or notice but also the head of HOA who took pictures. Attempted to change locks since I owned my unit and was told it was against " HOA " rules. Had guest house sit,the following week I received a $1000 fine from HOA stating it was not allowed and that I couldn't run a whore house.... wtf. First I'm not a pimp lol . Second my guest were a husband and wife I don't see how the two equate, regardless no where in the CCRS does it say you can't have guest. Happily sold and moved on . Never paid the fine got an agressive lawyer who got on them for the numerous violations of them breaching the covenants of the CCRS and invading / trespassing when unit was unoccupied. Do not live here rent here there are nicer buildings in Vegas ......... Buyer /Renter beware I wish yelp was around before I got my unit.