TJ Maxx has been around for 45 years, so they must be doing something right! They carry items that seem destined for Macy's but never make the cut. The categories are similar to any department store: clothing , jewelry, housewares, and home decor. With items are marked down just enough that you have to buy it and make it work.
The parent company also owns Marshall's so there is a strong similarity product-wise.Over the years,I have purchased a couple ties, some sheet sets, some kitchen gadgets and spice blends from the gourmet section. Their clothing is not great, but occasionally you can find a pair of non bedazzled jeans or a Calvin Klein dress shirt that will do the trick.
There is an interesting electronics cart, with gadgets crammed into damaged packaging making them an impossible gift, but otherwise
the proximity to Petsmart and Sprouts market is unparallelled in the category of random Wednesday shopping.