After one year and a half, Desert Springs Pools, who abandoned the job (owner called us yesterday threatening they were going to sue) broke into our backyard this morning and started cutting pipes to remove our pool equipment, that we paid for already. I called the police on these two men and they were going to arrested, but they had their manager come down and the police decided that we should fight this in court. The cops told them that they had no right, after a year, to just take our equipment and now have to send someone out to fix the pipes.
We had no choice last August 08 (starting date was November 07), but to find another contractor because they would not call us back, and after this long are deciding to call it breach of contract to get more money out of us. We ended up paying them for the work they had done and then a different contractor to complete it. They say we owe them money and had to pay a lawyer.