Sunday, June 30th, 2013, my boyfriend picked up our favorite pizza in the valley to eat for an early lunch, the Federal. Immediately after eating we were both feeling a little off, slight stomach pains, a little bloated but no biggie. We thought maybe we had over eaten. By 8:00pm that night I ended up on the floor of my house vomiting profusely into a bowl as I could not reach the bathroom the food poisoning was so severe.
July 1, 2013, I woke up to severe dehydration, and with severe muscle and kidney pain from the extensive vomiting and other lovely experiences I had the entire night. Unfortunately, my body had gone into such a state of dehydration, that it began to halt the function of my organs. Namely, my esophagus, my lungs, my muscles and my bladder. Unable to walk, my boyfriend carried me to his truck and sped like a maniac to the hospital. Arriving at the hospital, the Drs did an MRI and did not like the sound of my heart and I ended up staying in the hospital getting bags upon bags of saline to aid in my severe dehydration.
After a $300 ER bill, two missed days of work for my boyfriend (he was sick too but less so) and three missed days of work for myself, I decided to email the Federal, July 7th, 2013, after recuperating for a week. I did not ask for compensation, I was not rude or out of line. I wrote the email coming from a concerned patron that feels that something should be done to avoid this ever happening in the future.
What I got was an email back (July 12, 2013) from a Craig Demarco, an owner of Upward Projects, who vilely requested that we handle this matter over the phone. No problem, I understand that you do not want anything in writing for me to use against you. Even though I expressly stated I was not out to get them, I was out to incite a change in how the restaurant serves its food. I agreed to do so and handed over my phone number and gave some times that we could talk, and said if those times didn't work, we should coordinate a better time.
It is officially one week later (July, 19th, 2013) and no response. Not a call, not an email, not a care. This expresses a complete lack of decorum and respect for the diners that come in to the Federal, and I cannot be less impressed with their actions. I am disgusted with how this has been handled and really do thank them for really exhibiting how they handle delicate matters such as this. By not handling them at all.
Update: June 19, 2014 - Nobody from this restaurant or any of the owners have contacted me about my experience. Still no love.