I really enjoy consignment shopping. I actually revel in the search for the one or two great items at a deep discount. And while I don't mind the occasional Goodwill or Value Village trip, I usually spend my time and money at Monarch, JT Posh or Hong Kong Vintage because of their great selection and quality of merchandise.
That being said, I think Buffalo Exchange is doing a couple things well: -They have a huge space and a large variety of goods.
-They'll buy your lightly used items either give you 30% of the selling price in cash or 50% of the selling price in trade.
-The employees are friendly.
-Prices are quite reasonable.
And a few things I'm just not crazy about:
-Parking is insane. Good luck trying to find a spot on that side of the street. Just park across the way and walk.
-Some of the employees who "buy" the merchandise aren't well versed in current brands and what to price items. You don't want my practically almost brand new Michael Stars tops? Ok then.
-This definitely doesn't feel like a boutique set up...more like a warehouse filled with second hand garb.
This isn't on my go-to list for shopping but it'll do in a pinch when I can't find what I'm looking for!