| - The Art + Science of Yogurt, according to their website. I was keen on trying this place out due to my friend's overwhelmingly, enthusiastic proclamation that this was the best yogurt ever. Fortunately for me, I was in the area, for Yogurtlogy(s) are only located in Arizona and Florida. I guess I came all the way to Arizona just to try place out!
I will say this, Yogurtology..-logy meaning study of, hence study of yogurt that it's pretty good,albeit a little too sweet for my liking. Self-serve yogurt has become popular nowadays, thanks to Yogurtland and a bunch of copycats. Yogurtlogy, does have the upper hand, in that the "yogurtologists" create very unique flavors on site. When I went there, a young man created a salted caramel flavor, and mind you, it was delicious, creamy, and packed with flavor. Aesthetically, it's more simplistic, with white tables and sleek, modernized chairs. Several LCDs located throughout. There are plentiful toppings, but mostly catering to those with a sweet tooth. I saw full sized twix bars, waffle cones ($1/each), butterfingers, amongst other candy bars, fresh cut fruit, and a whole plethora of other toppings that will surely entice you. This is not for the faint of heart. I say go easy on the toppings because the yogurt here is rich and creamy, and to me, doesn't scream nonfat. It's more of a real dessert. And your wallet will thank you later.
The price is a little higher than Yogurtland at 42 cents/oz. One thing I noticed when the yogurt comes out, it doesn't have the swirls, it just comes straight out like a slithering eel. I wish it had those pretty peaks. Hours of operation: Sun to Thurs: 11 - 9 PM, Fri & Sat: 11 - 10 PM. Also, if you sign up for their mailing list, you can receive coupons straight to your inbox.