If you have ever been to Katz's in NYC, Kaufman's in Chicago or Cantor's in LA you need to know right away , you will be disappointed ..this isn't that kind of Jewish Deli.
Now if you haven't, this might be just fine for you. Located close to ASU I wonder if they just have given up trying to really show off how good it could be. maybe feeding the students and their out of town parents is just enough for the Chompies Family. But if they do want to attract locals to come in here are some ideas:
Refill water glasses at least every 15 minutes, this is salty food; pickles, pastrami , chopped liver etc...give us some water...and if you see customers sucking on ice with an empty glass take the hint...
give us a nice big bowl of pickles 4 pickles in an a 10 inch dish just looks silly...show us you care like a Jewish grandma and give us a decent amount ....
When you say LEAN it means no big flabby pieces of loose fat dripping off the meat on every side. Lean would be the no visible trails of flabbiness.
Do something about the fries...when the person next to you says , "they taste okay when you put gravy on them" you know they are just meh...
If you are giving me fries ,make them decent ..it's not that difficult.
Check on your table occasionally , taking the order and bringing the food and little else makes me wonder why we even need the waitress...I will go take the order and get the food and no need to tip me.... and I refill water glasses.
Chompies has the potential to be more but who am I to tell them what to do?