Chinatown Centre is the mall that is south of Dundas and not connected to the mini mall at the corner of Spadina and Dundas (Dragon Center). Above this mall are condos built long before the condo boom and are fitting to the area constructed as a medium rise building. Inside is a maze-like labyrinth of small stores hawking cheap imported goods. There is even a passport photo shop that still has an old-school photo developing machine. Beside that place upstairs is a knowledgeable TV shop. And in the basement is a food court that resembles more of a dungeon. The layout of the mall is interesting and suits the mystery that sometimes surrounds Chinatown. My fave stores are easily accessed from the street and are on my way thru the shortcut I take walking from Alex Park to Spadina. One is Princess Dry Cleaning and the other is Sweet Magic, an amazing import candy store that I can't seem to love enough. At the mall front and center and up is a Super 8 Hotel. Although I haven't seen inside, it had scaffolding in front of it for so long that grass and moss started growing underneath on the concrete. The scaffolding is gone, and maybe the hotel has improved, who knows? This mall is an important hub of Chinatown activity with its basement level outdoor courtyard hosting many locals engaged in mahjong. The mall is forthright, and a valued part of the neighbourhood.