Rock-n-Roll and Starbucks, plus praise and worship. What can you find wrong with all that? This is a very upbeat Christian community addressing the needs of the young families who have been turned off by the old hell & brimstone churches.
The campus and sancturay are huge ~ which only speaks to how well this organization is meeting the needs of those in the East Valley. Although I am not a personal fan of the music, my kids are . . . that's the blessing for me. BECAUSE my son and daughter-in-law are drawn to worship here . . you'll find me there too. The messages are bible-based, and very relevant to today and everyday life. There appears to be no guilt and no judgment . . . just come as you are . . . the pastors do . . . they pull on their blue jeans and preach from the heart.
Times are a changin' . . . and so are some churches . . . at least the ones that want to survive and meet the needs of the people. Cornerstone is obviously one of the leaders in the new Christian movement. Blessings to them and all those they touch and inspire. Blessings : ) KC