| - I am giving this one star because I cannot give zero. I have been getting my nails done for over 10 years, and have tried out many salons. I've been fortunate in that I have had pretty good experiences with most. This is by far the worst.
I use to go to this salon all the time when it was under the previous owner. I loved it then. This is most disappointing because I read online how great the renovation is including the new staff.
I made an appointment for a specific time and no one was available when I got there at the precise time I was appointed. It seemed my appointment was acknowledged by one staff, but was not communicated or arranged. I should add that this was today, on a weekday, in the early evening a few hours before it would've been closed. There were 2 employees, both with a client.
I was ok with that, and even said I will come back another day. The staff member didn't answer me, and got on the phone. I could not understand what she was saying or who she was talking to. I just stood there and reiterated that I could come back. She finally got off the phone and said someone will be back in 10 minutes. So I waited as now I felt obliged.
The person who came back must have been the manager or owner. This is even more disappointing. I showed her a picture of what I wanted: oval gel nails. No design, just a pink polish. I don't know how she kept shaping my nails the almond, pointy shape. I had to show her the picture two more times, and tell her, "less pointy".
As this proceeded, the gel kept getting thicker and thicker. 5 layers to be exact. When I mentioned this, she said she will file it down afterwards. Well, she tried, but 5 layers is quite a mission to file down.
The whole process took an hour. In this time, she was quite rushed, kept looking at the clock while the drill was on my nails. Needless to say, I had a lot of "ouch" moments. In total, she spoke on the phone 3 times, leaving me hanging and waiting, texted 4 times, and finally, called someone and put her conversation on speaker phone. It was obvious she was in a hurry, but to rush through a client is poor service, and not best practice. This is especially true because I was completely fine with returning another day when someone is available, and would take their time.
By the end of it, when it came to choosing a colour, I simply said, "Never mind. Just leave it clear and I'll do it at home myself". I left with super thick, unevenly shaped nails. Some are oval as I wanted, some are almond, and worse, a few are slanted to one side.
The thing with providing horrible, unskillful service, is that there will be customers who will complain and sit there all day until you get it right...or there will be customers who simply will not come back. I am the latter.
To be fair, this experience was with just the one staff. The rest may actually have skill and experience. Too bad I will not be back to find out.
I urge those looking for a good salon to avoid this one, simply because you may end up with who I got.
"You think a professional is expensive.. wait until have an amateur".