| - Having been tanning at another establishment in Las Vegas, I figured I'd drop in over the "Free Tan Weekend" just to see if I missed things at Bodyheat.
Verdict? I don't miss it at all. There were three girls at the desk, all of whom were even more rude than I remembered. Yes, I realize I haven't tanned with your company in over two years; however, it's quite obvious I have a solid base tan and don't need to be put in the bed for the minimum time (it took nearly eight minutes to convince them I wouldn't fry my bits off if they put me in a Level 3 Bed for the full time.) Also, their tanning education has slipped significantly, as their Sun Angel, while it has High Pressure (HP) bulbs for the face, is not a High Pressure bed. But I knew that argument wasn't even worth having, as I had now spent more time at the desk than I would be spending in the bed (12 minutes.)
They get a star for the selection of beds, their 24-hour convenience, and the fact they carry my favorite lotion line (MRInternational.) But their lack of tanning education, nonchalance, and downright rudeness ensures I will never be a paying customer again.