Yong's revived my favorite pair of skinny corduroy pants!! I had somehow managed to rip a huge hole in them (in a fairly unmentionable place, no less), and when I asked around for a good tailor, three different people all said this was a good place to go. I was pretty scared by some of the reviews about this place - after all, these were my favorite pants! But I figured I sadly had nothing to lose, so I handed the pants over to them and hoped for the best. Well, maybe repairing huge holes in skinny corduroys is their thing, because Yong's really did patch and sew the life back into my pants (and for only $4)! The end result was functional as well as aesthetically pleasing (unless you stare reaaaallllyyyy hard...and you have no business staring there anyway! ;)). They were also friendly and polite, and my pants were ready when they promised. Thank you Yong's, you saved me from having to drop a ridiculous amount of money on a new pair of pants!