This location has had a turnover in employees and that is unfortunate. There were two older gentlemen, one of whom was hit-or-miss in the helpfulness department. The other was a really nice guy, but he is gone. Recently I dealt with two much younger employees and neither was anywhere close to being helpful. The first clearly did not know what he was doing (testing water from my pool), and Mr. hit-or-miss did not give him much help at all. Neither did his younger coworker. The second younger employee needs a class in social skills and in DOING HIS JOB. Today I wanted the water tested and he sloppily went through the motions and gave me some glib verbal report on the water. When I asked him if he was going to complete the Water Analysis Form he actually asked me if I wanted one. He then pulled 5 numbers out of the air and completed the form. So, after two trips to Leslie's, and two attempts to have the water tested, I still have no accurate analysis of the pool water. What service!