I decided to review the Euc because, well, I should. I admit I have a lot to say and will spare you all the details but either way, here I go.
The floors are new and remind me of a cafeteria. The stage is back in the original location. The bar is still long and there are remnants of the heart that once beat in the walls but honestly...it's gone. The crowd is less local junkie and crackwhore, more college jock and Indians fan. The bands that I have seen there recently are nothing you would go see if you didn't know the members personally (I suppose that's why people were there.) The downstairs is no longer dingy bathroom with puke but revamped. Apparently the roof is open again in the summer, and yeah the drinks were made by newbies when I was there...didn't even know how to make a margarita. But, he did say he was new... I don't think that's a good excuse either way.
The Euclid Tavern was apparently stripped and rebuilt. I just wish I knew where all of the wonderful things were thrown away. I would have grabbed something.