I was buying 14 yards of one ribbon an entire spool of another ribbon. Everything they had left of a different ribbon 20 yards of a pearl ribbon 10 yards of tulle and 16 yards of chiffon and I actually walked out with nothing because I didn't want to buy the first 6 inches of the chiffon fabric. It was tattered, jagged, had runs and was dirty. Where I do not blame them for the dirty because I would assume other patrons touched it, however the tattered, runs and jagged edge was because of whoever cut it last. I asked since I was buying 16 yards if they would just cut the first 6 inches off to start with a clean piece of fabric and I was told no it is "as is" I understand it is a bargain fabric store but I made a decision a long time ago that I will NEVER give my hard earned money to someone who doesn't really want it and she made it very clear to me that the .50 cents at retail it would have cost them to cut the 6 inches off was more important than the $150 I was going to spend there.