| - Every time I make a return trip to my old stomping grounds on the east side, I always think, "How am I going to work in a trip to Pizza Bogo?" because it's simply the best pizza place in Cleveland, hands down.
The only reason this place hasn't been reviewed yet is because they do a great job of hiding themselves and being as discreet as possible. I have no idea why they insist on doing this, because this place could be one of Cleveland's most pizza place if they did a better job of advertising and promoting.
First of all, the prices are fantastic. On a regular day, it's "buy one get one free, and a third pizza is half price". On Tuesday\Wednesdays, it's $5.50 for whatever pizza you want. I think it's cash only on these nights too. Be prepared to wait an hour or so from when you call in because the demand is so heavy...but it's worth it, trust me. Just plan ahead. Life's not so busy that you can't plan ahead to ensure that you'll have mind-blowing pizza for dinner! (And if yours is, you probably need the culinary healing that Pizza BoGo can provide...)
The variety of pizzas they have is incredible. They have traditional pizzas with red sauce that are loaded with flavorful meats, pizzas with Indian topppings, pizzas with Asian-style toppings, and everything else in between. I've never had anything that I wouldn't get again. They don't scrimp on the toppings either! Our personal favorites are the Napa Valley, the Bangkok, and the stuffed-style pizza which is incredible. We haven't noticed any drop-off in quality on the discount days either.
There's no place at which you can eat in, so you'll have to practice delayed gratification (which is tough to do with food this good!) and wait to eat until you get to your destination. I sorta wish they had a place at which one could eat in, but if that means higher prices, I can definitely live without it.
Pizza snobs may say that Cleveland isn't New York or Chicago and that pizza you'll get in Cleveland is nowhere near as good as pizza you'll get there. Well, unlike those two cities, you don't have to fight through traffic to get to Pizza BoGo or spend an arm and a leg to get a pie either! Besides, I've had Chicago-style pizza from Chicago, and honestly, Pizza BoGo gives it a serious run for its money. Enjoy!