Saying I received the worst customer service of my life is an understatement at its finest. My roommate and I went in to the front office on the 29th of a month and the following month we were to move out. We went in to figure out how much we had to pay for the rest of our lease. The employee we saw on the 29th supposedly told us how much we had to pay to finish of the lease to be able move out. We paid exactly what we were told to pay exactly on time. Then about 11 days later we received a call saying we were behind on rent and hadn't turned in a 60 day notice on our lease. They tried to make us pay a late fee because we didn't pay the right amount even though we spoke to an employee days before that. We got them to waive the late fee but they made us pay 2 months rent for months we were not even living in the apartment complex. Their excuse was that we failed to give them a notice of us moving out even though we came in on the 29th of the month saying we were going to leave!! We ended up paying an extra 680$ for the whole fiasco. We paid rent for an extra month and a half even though we had moved out. They probably got somebody to move in when we moved out immediately to get double rent income for that month and a half. Indian springs also is the most environmentally unfriendly place I have ever lived at. There is not one recycling garbage in the entire complex everyone's garbage goes straight to the trash my I have seen people throw an entire truck load of cardboard and paper bags straight to the garbage. Disgusting and extremely unresponsible if you ask me. Also they waist so much money on hiring leaf blowers that wake you up at 7 am sometimes to blow like 5 leaves out of the road. Their laundry room machines break half the time you use them I spent literally 20 minutes trying to feed quarters into one because it wouldn't take a quarter. They do a horrible job of picking up garbage. The entire south wall is covered in garbage on the outside, its a horrible sight. Oh ya and our air conditioner broke in August so we told them to fix it. It took them three days. Three sleepless sweaty nights with no ac in the middle of an Arizona summer. Then when they "fixed" it they tried to blame it on us. They said we turned the ac down to low and it broke. Sorry for trying to not sweat to death, Obviously we are going to turn the ac down if its not working. We aren't mechanics we don't know how to handle an ac machine. I put "fixed" in parentheses because they fixed it for a week and then it broke down again. This went on for a few months they would fix it and it would just break the next day we eventually just said screw it. And we didn't have ac between the months of October and may. All in all I would rather live on mars with no oxygen than here.