My friend Sage and I took a nature walk at Dreamy Draw last week after the death of our dear friend Nicholas.
We decided to hike here and reflect, and this place was the perfect place for it. There's something about nature that is very therapeutic. The passing of our friend was definitely life altering, but it really made us think about our existence.
Sometimes, the things that we can't change really end up changing us.
Hiking and reflecting here was very healing, during our challenging days and significant loss of our friend, the ever-present power of nature was there for our healing and regeneration.
While strolling at one of the trails, it gave me an opportunity to think deeply.
We are only here on earth for a very short time, maybe 100 years at the very most. During that time, we must try to do something benevolent, something good and proactive with our lives because life can be cut short at any time.
Bye Nick!