| - Breathtaking. Having lived in Sin City for nearly 6 years, I thought I had seen it all. I've seen basically every major show in town and Le Reve was the last on my stop. I wasn't expecting much because, frankly, in a city like this, entertainment standards are set pretty high. Although this is not a Cirque show, it clearly has Cirque influences. Overall, it has a lot more action than it's Cirque counterpart ("O").
I don't want to give too many details away about the show itself, because it truly needs to be experienced firsthand. Suffice it to say that the music, lighting, and performances were so beautiful. Very ethereal, but plenty of action to keep you awake (I fell asleep during O, but I had also had a martini). The seats are also super comfortable and there is plenty of leg room. The design of the theater ensures that every seat gets a good show. The plot is very abstract, so if you simply cannot stand to watch anything without a linear plot, don't go to this show. Everyone else: If you're going to see one show while in Vegas (and you are too uptight to see Absinthe), you must go to Le Reve.