I had a hard time deciding if I wanted to pay the money for a home inspection but I am incredibly glad I did! Upon being recommended to AI by a realtor we were working with, I worked with Cindy who got me squeezed in the following day with Joel. Setting up the appointment was quick and easy and Cindy quoted me $315 on the phone for an inspection of a manufactured home and a termite inspection, and included a $50 coupon that I didn't even know about which I always appreciate! Upon meeting Joel the following morning, I could tell he meant business. He was incredibly thorough: I saw him up on the roof, down in the crawl space (and even killed black widows in order to enter which I would refuse to do for anyone!) and we watched as he tested every faucet for leakage on both the inside and crawl space of the house. He stopped and showed us areas that concerned him so we could see problems up-close-and-personal instead of solely written in a report. He was incredibly knowledgable about manufactured homes, and gave us advice on how to take care of our property and fix some of the issues ourselves. Upon paying, the bill was $315, exactly what they had quoted on the phone, and I was able to pay with my Visa. Joel went over everything he found with us in person, and promised a written report that night for our records. The written report was better than anything I could have imagined! It looks like it took him hours to write, with pictures of all the major problems he found with explanations and numerous summaries and commentaries. I highly recommend AI to anyone looking for a home inspection!