Badger, you suck and have been downgraded from 2 stars to 1 star.
My last night :
1:11am I call cab.
2:11am I call cab - "where are you?" replied with "oh, the bar rush is on" me "i called you way before bar rush", them "yeah we're sorry about that 20 more minutes"
2:45am I call cab - "where are you?" replied with "we're still busy and no call is assigned." Me "forget it, i'll call a different company."
2:50am I call union cab
3:15am cab arrives
My point - there has to be more focus to "who called first". I know the drivers/dispatcher are focusing on the juicy, easy combined shared rates but I'm willing to bet my firstborn that a large percentage of people after my call were picked up. Getting a cab at 1AM shouldn't be a 2 hour ordeal,even with you guys.