People in Phoenix are really into cleaning their cars. When I moved here, this made me scared of car washes. Luckily, I had an old Honda Civic that was too old to care about so I was able to avoid said washes. Now that I've moved up in the world and actually have a nice, newer car, I feel like I should get it washed on a regular basis. I've been to Francis & Sons a few times now and I'm always happy with what I come out with. I know a lot of people complain about the add-ons, but it is as simple as knowing what you want and being forward.
They usually have a $6.99 basic wash going, and often $9.99 for the basic plus (some sparkling stuff for your tires and air freshener in addition to the basic). They are fast and efficient.
Yes, the glass guy is annoying. Just say no before he even wastes his breath!