I usually am of the volition that chain restaurants are the undoing of society and represent all that is wrong with dining establishments and food service in general. But as some actor in a commercial with a bicycle riding squirrel once said "I don't hate this"
Sure it was disgusting in terms of cleanliness, sure the food comes from a Sysco like supplier, sure the people there aren't paid enough to care, but you know what, the food was somewhat tasty and a complete shock to frequent visitors of casual dining establishments, their seasonings actually stood out (sometimes in a bad way, but hey at least they splurge and care about the food to say cost control be dammed).
Chili was good. Too much paprika and probably had some unnecessary liquid smoke in there but it was really tasty and perfectly spicy. The burger was actually medium rare, almost as much a flooring to me as the fact the waiter asked how I wanted it cooked. It was tasty and juicy a true departure from most casual burgers and even might be a better taste than DMK in Chicago (and if you think that is sacrilege then get a burger from any TXRH bring it to DMK and compare yourself).
The steak here sucked, typical casual dining.
All in all I would RETURN, which is a real amazement as I avoid casual dining like the plague.
Overall 70/100 and no im not going to make the effort to break it down into subgrades because there is still no one who works at casual dining that cares or is paid enough to feign emotion.