| - I have serious concerns about this clinic. I've been there a bunch of times and my impression is that similar services I've received at other vet clinics end up being more expensive at Downtown. My friends have drawn the same conclusion.
And I've got a pretty bad taste in my mouth about this clinic because one of my dogs still has permanent nerve damage after he had his rabies shot done when he was 4 months old. To this day I don't know if the vaccine caused the damage, or if they wrenched his spine and damaged his spinal cord when they tried to hold him still to give him the shot. He was only 1.8 pounds when they gave him his shot, but he fought so hard when they tried to give him the injection, they had to take him upstairs to get a vet tech to hold him while they gave him the shot - and I could hear his screams as he fought them from all the way downstairs - and we're talking quite a distance away.
After leaving the vet HE LOST THE USE OF HIS BACK LEGS FOR ALMOST TWO WEEKS! And to this day he still walks funny - and he'll sometimes be walking along - and just suddenly drop a poo - with seemingly little control over it. He doesn't seem to really be aware of it or have complete control over his bowels - and this is still going on 13 years after this happened.
I guess what bugs me a little bit more about this is when I called the clinic and tried at least several times to ask the vets about his condition in the weeks right after this happened, I found their response to be extremely dismissive and unconcerned. I was sitting at home thinking my dog was dying because he couldn't walk,and if he tried to stand he'd just fall over, and if he tried to move he would just drag his back half around. The response of the vet was, "Oh, vaccines can't cause that kind of damage."
And I guess the other thing that has me bugged about this place is that someone complained to Yelp about my review of Downtown. Now, of course, it could be just some random stranger who is not associated with this clinic, but it made me seriously start to wonder if this clinic is actively working to 'game' their reviews here on Yelp because of bad reviews.
You can draw your own conclusions, but I recommend reading the many filtered reviews of this clinic (you can find the filtered button at the bottom of the screen on the left hand side to see reviews written by people who write a review of Downtown after having written almost no other reviews of other places) - and what strikes me is that there are LOTS of 5 star reviews written in the latter half of 2012 by people who have 'new' accounts and haven't established a track record of reviewing other places.
Maybe I'm being paranoid that this clinic has recently been trying to manipulate the reviews on this site by encouraging people to write positive reviews to counteract the negative reviews. But you can read all the filtered reviews to draw your own conclusions - and if you are worried about spending more than you need to at a vet, then reading these reviews might be worth your time.