My girlfriend came in here in May. She had been around 200 pounds for 4 years after having 2 strokes. She came out of St. Rose from both strokes within 3 weeks because excellent care. 18 months ago she had a botched surgery that put her in a coma for a month. Later they sent her to a care facility until she could get another surgery. Almost a year on her back with no food she was still healthy and had muscle. Between May and September her muscle mas has drastically decreased, her spirit is broken, she has disgusting amazing sores from sitting in her own diarrhea for up to 3 hours, the food is not anywhere near the nutrition expected at a recovery place, she can't walk, can barely stand and has very little contact from staff!!! She is now 140 and is afraid to eat because she can't stand the burning from the diarrhea! Oh, did I mention that she was sent here for express rehabilitation? DO NOT allow anyone you care about to be sent here!!! They will never make it out! This place is greedier than the casino on the strip!! They bill Medicare $13,000 per month and provide $13.00 of care. That is our taxpayer money going into the pockets of the board. You would be better off paying a homeless person to take care of your loved one!!!