| - I must admit, I don't think Ethiopian food is my end all, be all. I've had it twice since moving to Phoenix. It's not that I shy away from eating with my hands. It's not that I don't appreciate the culture, or how unique of a dining experience this is... authentic as you're going to get in the Valley, I can imagine.
It's not any of those things... I think it's the food. Now, c'mon, I'm not going to lie. The food is tasty. It's just not what gets me going. I went to Lalibela with a couple co-workers. I was looking to get out of the office and enjoy some chit chat. Mission accomplished. Yet, can 3 people seriously get full from sharing a plate of Lalibela's finest? I think not. Besides, I get kinda skeeved out when dirt or food gets caught under my nails. Yikes. (Watching my co-workers pick at their fingers after the meal was not the most pleasing way to polish off my lunch.)
Sounds like I'm complaining, right? Well, I'm not trying to. I mean, this place is good. Don't get me wrong! I s'pose if you enjoy Ethiopian food and eating with your hands (and strange textures and really thin bread), then this is the place for you.
I give it 4 stars for what it is: a really good Ethiopian restaurant... With, if you didn't know, really good chai tea. Oh, and the food... Well, I'll let you decide for yourself. Maybe it's your end all, be all.