Purchased a discount voucher online for services here with in mind to get ten advertised non surgical face lift treatments. It took much phone tag and a couple of months to get an appointment. The voucher only allowed maximum of one visit per month and all ten visits must be used within 10 months so it was impossible to redeem all the treatments. A log needed to be filled out by the client each session where they state the amount of tip they are leaving. $20 is suggested tip amount and anything less one feels like they will be shunned from their special scheduling process to get an appointment. The non surgical face lift treatment was great - it was a very powerful device. During this treatment however a $275 serum was advised that I declined . Even so they attempted to sell this to me again at the front desk and again in a separate enclosed room where I wanted to discuss cost of fillers. The serum contains crappy stuff like dimethicone with I told them I can not use. Unfortunately that was my last non surgical face lift treatment since they became unavailable. On the second visit, they tried to pass off treatment from a machine that was not working (not one smidgen of power) before I insisted if they were not going to try it out on themselves to get it fixed. If you are a groupon client, one was made painfully aware of the lower class treatment you would receive. Groupon patronized businesses like these have been a major disappointment. I would have rather had less treatments and be treated with respect.