In case you don't already know, Yelp fucking sucks.
Case in point, this shithole has over 4 stars. Barbers provide a service, so when you bust your ass to grab a shower after work so your head is squeaky clean for them to fuck with and race over there before they close, you expect to at least receive a haircut right? No, instead this is the exchange:
5:50 PM (they close at 6PM)
*old man frantically waving his arm for me to get out*
I'm standing there stupified
Old man: "Do you want something?"
Me: "I'd like to get a haircut"
Old man: "What time tomorrow?"
Me: "I'm not coming back"
Old man: "Then get out"
Ah, customer service, glad to see it hasn't died after all. On what planet does a simple haircut take longer than 10 minutes? If you provide a service, provide it well and with a smile. Want to close earlier? Then change your hours. Do not expect people to come back the next day for your grumpy old ass to yell at them.