Macy's, you suck.
Stop trying to pawn off your Chinese crap at incredibly marked up prices. Not a SINGLE pair of shoes in your department are any good (bad quality materials, fall apart quickly, no arch support, etc...), and you know what? I have bought excellent quality boots (and clothing) elsewhere since I stopped shopping at your store.
The people working in your Robinson location are always snooty.
I told your manager about 2 years ago, after receiving terrible treatment from you for the last time, that I would never shop at your p1ss-a$$ store again...and I haven't...and I WONT. I can't even stomach the STENCH from your gawd-awful perfume when I walk anywhere near that store.
You're not entitled to make mega-profits off of cheap products produced in the 3rd world. You think that no one notices, but we do....and we don't need you, or want you.