| - I'm not even sure where to begin, "Truly the most amazing people I have ever met" Josh and Jenna are committed 100% to your bodies health. My Husband made me (reluctantly) go see Dr.Josh in early 2004. I only did't feel the need to go because I had decided in my own head, I'm just twisted and crooked and that's the way I will be forever, and that's okay. My first appointment I remember thinking wow they actually took x-rays, then I came in agian a few days later. To my surprise Dr.Josh had crayolad all over my x-rays with different colors so I could have a visual of my different problems. I knew I had scoliosis, but I did't know my vertebrae's were twisted, I had no curve in my neck and my left leg is shorter. Right away we got to work, I had traction, got adjusted, iced on a roller machine and went home with my new heel-lifts (yes I put them in every pair of shoes I own, the dollar store sells superglue, it takes me 3 mins to customize my left shoe). I went to Six Flags a few months later, I was 29 years old. I had my heel lift in my tennis shoe, at the end of the day I wanted to cry, not from pain but joy that for the first time leaving a busy day like that my back felt fine (typically I would have been in pain). I knew my treatment and heel lift were making a difference. FYI I work out about twice a week, my diet is pretty good, I do hair and I'm a mom of 4, so I never sit.
Fast forward to Thanksgiving Eve 2012, I worked like a crazy woman, because that's a good idea to not take care of yourself during the holidays, my neck was so locked up after 7 days I could feel every breath I took in my spine around my neck (hard to explain, but so painful I didn't want to move). I was so thankful they could get me in, after they worked on me I was scared to move my head, Josh laughed at me and said move your head around (stupid). I was still shocked that the pain was gone. To this day I joke that my clients are happy I did't have to retire from hair that day. P.S. I wasn't joking. I was also thankful that I knew if anyone could help me today it's Dr.Josh and Dr.Jenna. Thank Goodness I already had trust and faith in them. I could go on forever.
Bottom line you just found what your looking for. Have a Healthy Spine Day;)
Happy Patient Stacy Niver