| - What a cool place to visit. Those of you that know me, know I'm ALL about some history. This place is packed wall to wall with exactly that - history!
Now yea yea I'm in the Army, and just hit my 17th year. So why come to an Air Force museum? Well for one, it's packed with history, and two, most of this is WWII area stuff, which we all know was the United States ARMY Air Corps. Boo-ya! #ArmyStrong
Tons of WWII era memorabilia. From flight suits to radio equipment, news papers to actual planes, this place has it all. Everything is in such great condition and it's all so legit, as in nothing here is fake. Several of the planes are STILL being flown weekly. I even got a personal tour inside and out of a B-17 in the maintenance bay that was being checked out prior to a flight it was going on later that day!
I could go on and on but check this out: the history is accurate, the artifacts and planes are plentiful, and the staff is AMAZING and so helpful and knowledgeable. I recommend this place to anyone! A war vet, a history enthusiast, a aviation enthusiast, old men, young kids, whoever you are, you'll probably be interested here. Oh yea, active duty military (me): 100% FREE of charge. Discounted rates for other prior service members.
Go check this place out. I loved it! I was just thrilled and talking the staffs ear off and asking questions and all kinds of stuff. #Hooah #ArmyAirCorpStrong