You pay for what you get! This company is quick to give you pre-approval and tell you what you want to hear. They just want your appraisal money!! That is ALL! They will pre-approve you and then let you go through the home purchase process and drag your loan on and on through the underwriting process just to deny you at the last minute. These people are ridiculous. They could not even get the paperwork correct! The communication is horrible and their online paperwork system sucks. I had to upload the same documents over and over and over. My personal loan officer was Michael Durant and he was a complete MORON! I told him I worked in the oil industry from day one and that a majority of my income was from overtime and asked over and over and over if there was going to be a problem with this and he assured me that it would not be a problem..... sooooo... i signed a contract on a house. Paid the appraisal fee ($500), paid the home inspection ($350), and paid the termite inspection ($50). 2 weeks into underwriting I was starting to wonder what the hell was going on so I started bugging him for answers and he was kept saying "everything is fine, no worries"... then one day the story changed to "oh sorry, the underwriter doesnt like your overtime, your loan has been denied, I cannot help you". What a piece of work. I wish he would have told me this would have been an issue before I was almost $1000 dollars into this home! SCREW roundpoint mortgage. That is what I get for going to a "cheap" mortgage broker. Never again.. lesson learned.