I usually only review restaurants, but the customer services at this branch has become so poor that I feel compelled to warn people. I have been a loyal customer of scotiabank for 7 years. I have mortgage, LOC, Visa, Chequeing, safety deposit box with them all because I've had decent customer service experiences with this particular branch. For example, the former staff was nice enough set up a note on my file back in 2009 indicating they don't need to hold cheques from my grandmother who lives in the USA and occasionally send my young twins birthday money. But within the past 6 month management has changed and there is not a single employee who has been there more than a year. Recently, I tried having them set up auotmatic payments for my LOC and had to come back three times for them to get it right. When I went by last week to cash a check from my grandmother ...the clerk informed me that she could find the note on file BUT the manager wouldn't let her deposit the money and they needed to hold it for 20 days. FOR A 100$ CHEQUE ??!?! When i asked for the manager she was incredibly rude and refused to explain her reasoning telling me it was policy. . I would recommend banking somewhere else.