| - Aldi and Bottom Dollar are like long lost siblings. Both are discount grocery stores were you bring your own bags and bag your own groceries. At Aldi you need a quarter to get a shopping cart that is returned once you return the cart. They both offer some name brand items and some generic brand items which are the same quality and tastes as their name brand conterparts.
This location is about half the size of my local Bottom Dollar but, it's very close to my house so this is usually my go to store when I need a few items but, don't need to do major grocery shopping. They offer produce, seasonings, spices, cereals, fruit juices, milk, packaged meats, seafood and cheeses, a decent frozen food section, different kinds of bread, household items and much more. The employees are always pleasant and helpful also.
While ALDI isn't as large as a Bottom Dollar, they do carry a lot of the same types of items. If you can't find it at ALDI, you can most likely find it at Bottom Dollar.