First off I loved my server. She was a very pleasant girl from Russia that was a pleasure to talk to about coming to Cleveland.
Second off the owner (I assume) was on hand at all times to make sure dishes were out on time, people were seated, and very involved. From a servers standpoint this could be intimidating but from the customer's point of view it was good to feel taken care of.
We ate outside and loved the space. Lee Road is a great location and this is important! I saw the old location and it just seemed less appealing. This was far from the case on Lee.
The food was wonderfully spiced and featured veggies like okra. I never knew I was such an okra fan. Well I tell you...yumm! I like the feeling of a light yet fulfilling and healthy dish for especially the summer. On the flip side the warmth of the spices and the heartiness of the sauces make the food pleasurable for even the cooler months.
I have already recommended this new location to my friends and as a lover of Yelp friendship I am recommending it to you as well. Eat on!