I have been fortunate enough to be here for 2 of the biggest shows in town many times, I also lived around the corner so watching them set up always amazed me.
Depending on how you get in your opinion may differ; my suggestion is to monorail it and walks on in. For locals Hmm pretty much out of luck unless you know someone who knows someone! I got lucky with my rental placement at the time and so did my friends :)
One of the things I noticed for the both big conventions is the monorail is a huge asset and convenience for locals who don't mind planning ahead and getting a local monorail pass at a seriously discounted price (conveniently placed at any stop or load point along the way if you look for it) and parking down the road or for travelers to get to and from. The off loading point for this stop It is situated in-between the north and south halls makes it easy to roam.
This place looks large from the outside but when you get inside it is even bigger, (are sure you wear your comfy shoes) there is food/drink Kiosks inside during the large shows they also had them outside. I believe that is an on demand thing though; the smaller shows make sure you have drink and a snack or 2 to be safe.
All in all the design of the property is amazing and well thought out for huge shows or small shows they have space and areas for any show. As a tourist or visitor it is easy to access and to maneuver