Excellent strategy: ready-to-go foods, coffee shop-style service, high-style ambiance and a cook who delivers well-prepared dishes. We got breakfast at 10:30, before the competition opened and long after the breakfast hour- thank goodness. My scrambled eggs were perfect. The breakfast burritos burst with eggs and goodies. We were satiated.
I asked for Earl Grey tea, but that's not one of the 10 loose-leafs Ashley stocks. So I asked her to make a blend for me, and voilá - it seems I have my own tea at C3, now!! Hurray!! So cute: she came out to check on me enjoying it a couple times, "just to be sue."
Quarter employees popped in to grab'n'go. A couple customers were addressed by heir first names as they ordered. I like the style of this fast casual spot and think it bears the pants off all the SQ places...and I've been to them all!!