I absolutely love this theatre since it's been remodeled! Always our first choice when it comes to a movie theater in central Illinois!!
Last Saturday, I took my three children (9, 8, and 1) and two of their friends to see Storks. We purchased our tickets beforehand through Fandango to save time. Of course, we hit the concession stand before heading to our movie. The staff at the concession stand were friendly and patient (a somewhat challenging demeanor to maintain when waiting on four children each with their own spending money)...
My youngest child only made it through the previews and wanted nothing to do with the movie. To be courteous to everyone else in the theatre, I took my daughter right outside our theatre. This is pretty much where we remained throughout most of the movie.
An employee (I'm assuming he was a Manager based on his attire) walked by us a few times throughout the movie. Prior to the movie ending, he approached me and handed me an "Admit One" ticket for free admission to a future movie! The best part is I can use it for a future movie of MY choice!! :-D
All around another great experience at The Beverly!