If you can't figure out this timeshare scam is bullshit you're out of your mind they get you in with free gifts which they did with myself and my wife .
Bring you down a shady ally and in this terrible room with a coked up guy running telling bad jokes about his height ... he is a typical scam artist telling everyone he has been selling time shares since he is 18.
All the sales people know his jokes and are the only ones laughing at them and they are sheep with no personalities.
We get out guy tells us he has 6 kids and still affords this crap...
I said give me the info to read over and I'll call you next week (I wasn't)
My wife said don't waste our time we want the free gift. Keep moving ... they call the little guy to help we didn't budge....
If you're not aloud to read the info and take it home to read and have to buy it on the spot it's a fucking scam !!!! You have been warned !!!