Nondescript little restaurant that may not have the best pho in town but is definitely in the top 3. What makes this 5 stars is the tendon in their pho. Most places that have tendon in their pho usually toss it in as an afterthought; you get a few measly little pieces. Just enough to piss you off. Not at Vietnam Grille! It's like having a never ending bowl of tendon soup. Big chunks of tendon; some slightly chewy with a nice resilience, other pieces just melt in your mouth.
Last time I was there I requested my pho with all tendon; it was fantastic. The owner came out to see who ordered it; probably wondered what kind of freak orders a pho like that. He asked if I had tried tripe; yeah back in the day Mom would cook up that mushy nasty stuff. I was like thanks but no thanks. He bought out a sample and this tripe was much different. Not mushy and foul smelling like what my mother made, this tripe had a nice texture with a bit of snap to it and a neutral scent. It was something that I would try again and am glad the owner let me sample some. He was great and genuinely interested in his customers.
There are other things on the menu, including a raw meat dish that I plan to try. If it wasn't on the other end of town for me I would eat here more.