| - After being up all night for good fun, I got up early to get Luckee.
The highlights:
Long Xia Gao ($9)- 2 x dumplings filled with lobster with asparagus. Susur added a very subtle, almost undetectable coconut flavour, making it one of the most unique Gaos I've had. Fun fact of the day, "Long Xia" in the title is Chinese for lobster. Pronounced like "Noon Shia" and not a "Long Shia."
Shrimp Cheung Fun ($12)- I felt quite hesitant to get a plate of cheung fun for $12 when it can be had for $2.80 at a Middle-Aged-Chinese-Lady-Cart-Pushing dimsum place. And so, I looked at the waiter and said ..."I'm quite hesitant to get a plate of cheung fun for $12 when it can be had for a quarter of the price at $2.80, at a Cart-Pushing-Middle-Aged-Chinese Lady dimsum place." Not amused, the waiter insisted that "trust me, this is special." He was right. Filled with deep fried rice pieces surrounding the shrimp surrounding the cheung fun, it was the perfect chewy-crunchy -soft combo.
Almond and crab cake ($7)- Imagine a Haagen Daz bar. But salty. And not sweet. And crunchier. And hot. Okay fine. It tastes nothing like a Haagen Dazs bar. But it looks like one and that's just as cool!
The dessert with the most tang and flavour, the mango passion fruit pudding ($8)
Overall, a great spot for a slightly more unique, more upscale dim sum experience with no Middle Aged-Chinese-Lady pushing carts in sight.