I have trouble with this place. Mostly because I can't bear to go inside. They either have a "teenager repellent" system or a "vermin repellent" system in this location that I find painfully loud. I'm no teenager either... I'm in my upper 30's so statistically I shouldn't be able to hear that stuff any more. But alas, I can strangely still hear up into the "dog" regions of hearing that most people can't. If I must go here, I have to wear ear-plugs or else the sound makes me nauseous. The noise is a high-pitched squeal that makes chaps like me flee in pain... Also dogs, cats, mice, rats, and perhaps the occasional teenager who hasn't killed his ears with years of high-volume ipod abuse.
Aside from that, I've only taken fleeting glances on their shelves.
I'm thankfully a Sobeys has opened up even closer to home so I have almost no need to come here any more.