| - I have lived in the area for a while now and last night was my first and only time going here. I walked in and as soon as I walked in the cashier welcomed me and as I was walking to the counter asked what can I get for you today? At first I thought that was nice but I felt rushed and I haven't even looked at the menu yet. After I ordered to go, which now I'm glad I did, the cashier and her helper started talking about smoking weed, girls where high school age. The helper was talking about how her boyfriend and how he is a lightweight and it doesn't take much for him to get high. The cashier was talking about how she is planning on getting high after close. The two cooks chimed in as well. Then the girls started to talk about the boys they have made out with. One girl made out with this guy in seventh grade and again in ninth grade and he sucked. So if your name is Chad and you are super rich and in high school, sorry the girls agreed you suck at making out. The cooks started talking about how they would be better than those guys. While they are talking they are dropping f bombs and listing to music really loud with cursing in it, again nothing wrong with the music just not a good idea with customers in the lobby. The cooks who one had a face tattoo, nothing against tattoos, was more interested talking to his buddy about future face tats then making my food. I waited fourteen minutes for my food. The veggies where super dry and old, chicken tasted burnt, and the crab ragoons where not cooked all the way, my wife's food tasted old and stale as well. I will never go there again. Maybe daytime staff is better. I get it they where teenagers but if I was the manager and found out my staff talked like and acted like that with customers around I would be livid, maybe this manager doesnt care and maybe one of those people there was the manager. Either way save your time and money and go elsewhere.