Yesterday was the second time I have been to the Muffler Shop. The first time was to get a dual Flowmasters put on my Challenger. Yesterday, I bought my own muffler and brought it in for my truck. It was a clean swap and they did my oil change too. This place is fast, clean, and honest. Let me say that last one again... HONEST! The first time I had work done, the quote was over the price I paid. This time, It was exactly what they said it was. On a side note, I had some ideas for my cars on the work I was having done. Both times, I talked to Dave and his recommendations got my cars sounding exactly the way I wanted. The welds were super lean to boot. I could go on about this place, but it's worth going to.
My only recommendation about this place is GO EARLY!! Their work fills up fast so if you need it done that day, be there when the doors open. I did, and they called me at 9:30am with my truck ready to go. Thanks Dave and The Muffler Shop!!