In June of 2017 I left employment with Security Unlimited. The owner never knew I highly admired her because, she cared about people working for her that never had a chance to get an education. I had an education but, I always wanted to to be one of her boys or girls she admired and gave the best jobs to.
I made a big mistake, I tried to let her know things going on at my post with other guard she could have lost a contract for. She did lose contracts because of guards working for her on other sites but, I never did lose a contract for her. The clients she contracted with always gave her a good report about my work. I was given jobs on construction sites with video cameras monitoring me but, I made my rounds and did my work, It would have been well to give those jobs to the ones that didn't do a good job. It hurt me to see people working at conventions like one young fellow that constantly reported other guards working on a booth that she didn't have a problem listening to. One woman working for the owner was employed for only two years less then I was but, she got to drive a motorized cart up and down the hall all evening. I asked the owner for a chance for a promotion and she said she would think about it. Nothing even came about my request.
There were times when I needed advise from the owner because of her expertise and she started what's called Psychological manipulation a deliberate ignoring behavior. I never knew why she did that. I work for another security agency now. I'm sorry she missed a chance for an employee to work for her that really cared about the job and to represent her to clients in a positive way. I am glad to be on the receiving end because I would never want to treat another person the same way. I wish the owner luck in every way and thank her for the compassion she demonstrates to others.