I visited wal-mart to get a dresser, after trying to lift the box I realized it was too heavy for me and so began the nightmare of customer service. I wondered the aisles looking for an associate but could not find one in furniture so I went to electronics and again no associate, I went back to furniture and found an associate but she did not respond to me the 3 times I said "excuse me" to get her attention. Frustrated, I went back to electronics and found another associate who was kind enough to page for help. I waited and waited and waited. 15 minutes later there was still no help in sight. Another associate walked by so I asked her to page for help, she did. Another associate walked by her and said "I can't lift it" with attitude and walked off. I watched as 4 female employees talked about how they couldn't help me instead of actually walking to find someone who could. 10 more minutes passed so I walked out. No sale.
Sadly, my fiance had gone before Christmas to get me the same dresser and had the exact same experience. I brushed it off thinking it must have just been busy since it was Christmas time but clearly, this walmart just has awful service. It is bad enough that it is always dirty and unorganized, add awful service and this place becomes the last place I will spend my money.
Kudos to the two people who actually new how to do their job, it is just too bad there was no follow through with the others.