| - I have sleep apnea, and my machine broke. I went to his sleep center and was confirmed with sleep apnea. I spent the next 7 to 8 WEEKS on the phone with his female THREE STOOGES at the front desk, struggling to get the prescribed CPAP machine,..they lost stuff, they sent the wrong docs, they forgot to call the insurance, they NEVER got back to me once, despite their infuriating mantra: "We'll call you next week." I had to call them at least twice a week to REMIND them I was their patient, and that their DR prescribed me a machine,..I've never seen such blatant INCOMPETENCE in my life. Every time I called I had to explain who I was, and the whole story over again,..they charged my insurance a fortune and then forgot I even existed. Finally after a million calls by me (they NEVER call you back, NEVER) I got a lady from some CPAP company that said I could come get my CPAP machine,..I told her to FORGET IT, after 7 weeks of NO SLEEP I finally just went on craigslist and got a machine for a hundred bucks. I wish I had NEVER gone to this crapp place. My health insurance paid a fortune to enrich these clowns, and I got zilch, nada, zero in return. Somewhere during the second month of this hell on earth I asked to speak to the Dr Ejaz,..even HE never called me back. This money mill needs to be shut down. I filed a complaint with the health board, I am royally pissssed and don't plan to just "dry up and blow away"